Experts from each sector combined with commercial mentors to assist in solving aligned challenges with the potential to reshape industries.
“One of the great opportunities in front of Western Australia is to utilise exciting new technologies, which are applicable across different sectors. Automation, data analytics, AI and other technologies transcend areas of strengths in this State, from mining to oil and gas, agriculture, medicine, the environment and the space sector. I am delighted that the Quantum Technology Exchange specifically addresses how these powerful, new technologies can be applied to improve and diversify the State’s economy and create the jobs of the future.”
Professor Peter Klinken AC, Chief Scientist of W.A. and Advisory Board, Australian Space Agency.
10 Program Participants were selected via a competitive process by industry experts. Each has potential global competitive advantage with existing innovative products that can solve common supply chain challenges across multiple industries including the international space sector.
“One“Western Australia is home to world-leading technologies and innovators in remote operations, robotics and artificial intelligence. The technology that is already utilised in Western Australia in mining, the offshore oil and gas industry, agriculture, environment and medicine now also has the potential to be utilised for remote mining operations on the moon. With support provided by the McGowan Government through the $16.7 million New Industries Fund’s X-TEND WA program, I’m excited to see Quantum Technology Exchange work with small-medium businesses to enhance opportunities in this area to create jobs and diversify the State’s economy.”
Dave Kelly, Western Australian Innovation and ICT, Science Minister.
QuantumTX in W.A. 2021 included support from Curtin University Space Science & Technology Center, Fugro Remote Systems Technology, Roy Hill, Triangle Equity Partners, Fugro Remote Systems Technology and AgriStart. The initiative also received grant funding from the Western Australian Government and the Australian Government, including Australia’s Industry Growth Centres for energy resources and for mining equipment, technology and services; NERA (National Energy Resources Australia) and METS Ignited.
For the Western Australia 2021 Program; 10 Program Participants were selected via a competitive process by industry experts. Each has potential global competitive advantage with existing innovative products that can solve common supply chain challenges across multiple industries including the international space sector.
Emergent technologies for advanced analytics and empowered decision making. ISOLABS conducts and commercialises scientific research apply technology to solve real problems. We build and deploy software that produces enhanced insights to empower decision making, and creates operational advantages. Our process is driven by technical expertise in artificial intelligence and lean product development, and is grounded in human-centered design.
Connected datacentric maintenance lifecycle solution integrating analytics & 3D Visualisation. AiSpanner is the purpose-built platform for all maintenance stakeholders, allowing for consistent communication and information at every stage. AiSpanner connects disparate data to plan, manage and execute turnaround maintenance campaigns, using advanced 3D visualisation, latest database, cloud solution and spatial intelligence to build maintenance intelligent twins. AiSpanner reduces costs while significantly improving efficiency, safety, collaboration, and communication between stakeholder to ensure the right work gets done, at the right time, with the right tools, materials and people.
Transforming organisations with the spatial web for connected workers and remote operations. Today, it can often be difficult for workers to find the information they are looking for; this is further exacerbated on construction sites and operational facilities where the teams work remotely. In the same way Google maps provides an alternative way to access data over regular search, Cumulus empowers connected workers to find the information they need within a 3D twin of the asset. When used as the entry point for a data warehouse/lake and overlayed with emergent spatial data types there is no limit to the insights that can be accessed.
Online and Mobile-friendly training and assessment platform for high-risk industries. Tap into Safety is all about keeping every worker safe every day through low-cost, high-quality training. The Tap into Safety online and mobile-friendly training platform has over 90 out of the box courses for safety, leaders, managers and supervisors, and mental health training. They focus on critical risk and controls, have detailed GAP analysis reporting and can be customised to suit individual client needs.
Synthetic chemistry solutions addressing multi-source waste management with carbon neutral, high-rate waste conversion tech. Epichem is Australia’s leading provider of synthetic organic chemistry services, exporting products and services worldwide to healthcare, agriculture, and resource sectors for over 17 years. Known for our success in tackling complex projects with industry-leading synthetic chemistry solutions, we are working to address expensive, hazardous, multi-source waste conversion with a novel Oxidative Hydrothermal Dissolution process. Turning waste products into high value organic compounds allows us to evolve at the edge of our field whilst contributing to a zero-waste, circular economy.
iSOL8 Digital LOTO system which reduces plant downtime and eliminates human errors.We have developed a digital lock out tag out hazardous energy isolation system for persons conducting maintenance on "Live Plant and Equipment". The system significantly reduces isolation process administration and plant down time, eliminates isolation device identification errors and captures real time data for each step. It provides enterprises with a competitive advantage by effective and safe use of skilled labour and is scalable to all industries across the globe.
Industrial live-theatre and film that facilitates a catalyst for people development and safety. Acting Consulting Training Australia is a bespoke, global focused company based in Perth, WA that produces a live-theatre and digital learning format, delivering a proven form of interaction that helps to achieve behaviour change. This catalyst, through theatre and film, is focused on the capability building of leaders at all levels to make better decisions considering the intersection of the technical, risk, compliance and safety.
Oily water treatment and PFAS water treatment solution to below detectable levels. OLEOLOGY’s expertise in water treatment systems offers advanced solutions to recycle and decontaminate water quicker, simpler, and more cost-effective. OLEOLOGY’s mission is to engineer oil-free water; from this core value, OLEOLOGY has developed an economical, robust & straightforward method to remove PFAS from water. Smallest footprint (1/20th of conventional systems), low capital, remove all analytes and, critically, thermally incinerated waste to generate a zero-waste solution for any industry.
Next-generation server room, micro data centres built for anywhere. A decade ago, Zella DC pioneered the micro data centre. Since then, our next-generation server rooms have been proven to work anywhere, from remote mine sites in Western Australia to global pharmaceutical companies in New York. Thanks to our vendor-agnostic approach to software and hardware manufactured to the highest standards, we now have clients across six continents.
Electrical internet of things company that helps manage power better, personalize experiences and improve safety. Quantify Technology is a Perth-based electrical internet of things company. For too long building automation has been complex, expensive and inflexible. The company’s hardware, cloud and software platform is modular meaning industrial businesses looking to manage and reduce their power consumption can access all or part of a complete range of solutions.
QTX WA 2021 Program is free for Participants, no fees and no equity dilution
Companies for this round must be based in Western Australia
Selection is via a competitive application process
All technology Startups and SME companies are encouraged to apply
Applications Open - 26 November 2020
Applications Close 5pm WST - 12 February 2021
Program Starts - March 2021
Program Ends - 11 June 2021

QuantumTX is powered by leading innovation providers, Atomic Sky, and its team of experienced business scale-up facilitators. It’s supported by a range of financiers, corporate and government partners who provide access to sites, specialist sector expertise, technical mentors and networks.
Through the program each company will be provided condensed capability building, tailored site visits and direct mentoring to build capability, capital and connections.
Validate multi-sector opportunities for tech solutions
Meet-the-buyers sessions
Site visits and workshops
Space and cross-sector innovation showcase
Strategic Project Positioning
Validating the need and market
Framing for corporate procurement
Leveraging Cross-Cutting Technology
Industry site visits & workshops
Aligning to industry road-map needs
Gaining Cross-Sector Traction
Specialist sector mentoring
Positioning in industry value chains
Levering Technology
Business model & export propositions
Market positioning, Marketing, IP
Securing investment funding