What does a winning formula look like?
Eva Chye speaks to Colin La Galia, CEO of Epichem
Colin La Galia, CEO of Epichem, in the lab with Eva Chye Founder of If Innovation Could Talk
Eva Chye, Founder of If Innovation Could Talk, visited QuantumTX alumni, Epichem Pty Ltd to find out.
Epichem covers areas of Pharmaceutical, Mining, Agriculture and more, and not only is this company the only one of its kind in Australia, it makes a difference on a global scale and does so from Western Australia.
Watch the 5 minute INTERVIEW, where Colin La Galia, CEO of Epichem, talks to Eva about what it's like to be involved in disruptive technologies and shares how a purpose-driven business can be successful commercially. Plus, at the end of the interview, Colin explains repurposing waste and what un-baking a cake means.
Recently Epichem added another award, the 2021 WA Exporter of the Year Award for International Health. A proud moment and fantastic achievement for the Epichem Team, announced at a ceremony at Government House.