Celebrating Australian Technology to Benefit Space and Earth
by Peter Rossdeutscher
Megan Clarke, Pam Melroy, Renae Sayers, Peter Rossdeutscher, Russell Potapinski, Phil Bland, Peter Klinken, Sarah Cannard, Sam Forbes, Lauren Stafford, Pru Ayling, Jason Coleman
It was a delight to celebrating the launch of AROSE with some of its awesome founding team and leadership at the SA State Dinner.
Australian Remote Operations for Space and Earth (AROSE) was established to unify Australia’s unique abilities in the space sector and terrestrial remote operations.
Created from the vision of former NASA Astronaut Pamela Melroy, and global technology leader Russell Potapinski, the industry-led consortium was formally launched this week and very appropriately took time to acknowledge the founding member organisations and the wonderful founding committee team. The launch included support messages from Dr Megan Clark AC on behalf of the Australian Space Agency and Minister Dave Kelly for the Western Australian government.
AROSE is reinforcing Australia’s place as the trusted supplier of remote operations and asset management. Driving high-impact project execution, technology transition, knowledge exchange, workforce development and the promotion of national capabilities, it will both diversify the economy and create an estimated 1500 jobs within the next five years.
Potential members of all sizes and from all sectors are encouraged to make contact at www.arose.org.au