Advancing METS technology exchange across mining, defence, agriculture and space
QuantumTX Queensland Participant Companies
Australia’s world-leading capabilities in cross-sector technology exchange were highlighted in cohort announcement for the Quantum Technology Exchange initiative in Queensland.
From more than 60 strong applications a cohort of 14 companies have been selected. Each of the small businesses have potential global competitive advantage, with existing innovative products in the mining equipment, technology and services sector. Their solutions also have the potential to scale and create jobs across multiple sectors.
CEO of METS Ignited, Adrian Beer said; “Capabilities in digital automation, data analytics, robotics, sustainability and remote operations are widely recognised for their applicability across multiple industries. Expanding businesses with these solutions has the potential to grow the number of jobs already in the sector, and boost their skills and capabilities contributing to Australia’s economy.
"QuantumTX provides a pathway for the businesses to grow in the METS sector and to expand their innovations to serInvice other key markets such as defence, construction and space sectors. METS Ignited, in collaboration with the Queensland Government and Atomic Sky are excited to announce the cohort of the Queensland small and medium business accelerator program;
QuantumTX facilitates collaboration and economic diversification across adjacent industries, the circular nature of which strengthens and expands all sectors. This program in Queensland leverages the State’s $7 billion resources sector as a growth platform for its many knowledge-centric businesses. Participants benefit from a range of business capability building and sector activities, in cluding speakers from BHP, Woodside Energy, Adani, Rio Tinto, The Australian Space Agency, AMIRA, Robotics Australia Group, Fugro, AROSE, Agristart, NERA, Imvelo, NOVA Systems, Austmine and Atomic Sky.
Adjunct Professor Peter Rossdeutscher, Founder of QuantumTX and Atomic Sky, reiterated the incredible depth and breadth of innovation this process identified in the METS sector.
“QuantumTX leverages Australia’s strengths in technology, provides access to global pathways through collaboration and drives investment in innovators. Demand to participate was exceptional from across Queensland showing the depth and potential for technology innovation growth in Australia. We are excited to help these fantastic businesses strengthen their solutions, diversify jobs and expand across sectors nationally and potentially internationally," said Professor Rossdeutscher.
More information on the program and participants is at
About Quantum TX. QuantumTX was created by Atomic Sky to strengthen capability, competitive industry advantages and collaboration across Australia’s leading industries in technologies that bridge the mining, energy, agricultural, defence and the $314Bn global space sector.
About METS Ignited. METS Ignited is a government funded Industry Growth Centre focused on developing Australian businesses within the Mining Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) sector to improve competitiveness, productivity and business growth.
METS Ignited functions as a facilitator and connector to identify challenges and unlock opportunities arising through the significant trends shaping the industry.